Yesterday, Chuck Colson came to the gym fit to be tied. For one thing, he was late for his "Sweating for Christ" Aerobic Class due to an unusually full day of interviews. Everyone in the media wanted to hear his views on Deep Throat, aka Mark Felt, and how vile Felt was to expose the entire criminal activity of the Nixon White House. Colson was scheduled up to the gills and couldn't quite get here on time. For another, he'd left his gym clothes at home, which meant he had to lead the class in an Armani Suit. He hasn't done too shabby for himself post Watergate, prison term not withstanding.
Colson's class consists of Senators Brownback, Santorum and Sessions, former Christian Coalition leader Ralph Reed, James Kennedy of Coral Ridge, Congressmen Tom Delay and Bill Thomas, President of Free Congress Association Paul Weyrich and Karl Rove. No one really seemed much in the mood for sweating, and it became sort of a bull session on the topic of how each member of the group would deal with anyone who might expose THEIR criminal activity, of which, of course, they were only speaking theoretically.
When I think of it, the class had the same bluster that Ann Coulter's "Step Aeobics for Patriots" in which a portion of the class is dedicated to "Crush the Liberals Stomache Crunches". She can be so creative. Other names for her exercises are "Punch the Raghead Thrusts" and "Stomp the Left Wing Treason Lobby Faces." You can imagine how popular her class is.
Afterwards, Colson seemed in better spirits. It just goes to show you that working out in the Tri-Lateral Commission gym is not only good for the body, but for the soul.
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